SuPWR is excited to announce several upcoming launch events for our photo exhibition that centres the voices from 16 women’s rights movements across Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. The exhibition speaks […]
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SuPWR at DSA2024
SuPWR researchers will be taking part in this year’s Development Studies Association (DSA) conference, which takes place online and in person at SOAS, London from the 26 to 28 June. […]
Combatting child marriage in the Dalit community
“Dalit” originates from the Sanskrit word दलित (dalita), meaning “divided, split, broken, scattered”, it was originally used in the 1800s to describe the lower castes (untouchables) of the Hindu society. […]
Grassroots movement building against child marriage in South Asia
Child marriage is a serious violation of girls’ human rights. It negatively affects the lives and futures of millions of children in South Asia, a region which has an estimated […]
Burdening children? Role of youth leaders in combatting child marriage
Field research has shown that youth activism is a common strategy used in the development or human rights sector in Bangladesh. One area of work where this is quite prominent […]
Vocabularies of backlash in South Asia
In recent years, ‘backlash’ has gained increased recognition as a conceptual frame through which to understand and address disparate forms of resistance and repression encountered by women’s struggles across the globe. This […]