CARE Nepal used Photovoice, a participatory photography approach, to enable members of the Jagriti Mahila Maha Sangh (JMMS) movement to visually document and reflect on their struggles and collective aspirations, fostering both dialogue and awareness. Following various photo dialogue sessions and equipped with prompts, JMMS members captured images that expressed their personal journeys and hopes for change. The photo dialogue sessions allowed participants to share chosen photographs and collaborate in pairs to write meaningful captions, deepening their connection to the images and to each other.

The photos and captions below highlight the unique perspectives on struggle, resilience, and transformation within the JMMS community, capturing struggle members’ voices and conveying powerful narratives of hope and strength. The images and captions cover the themes of:

Through the Photovoice project, JMMS members have not only built confidence and media skills but also have developed a skill to use photography as a powerful tool to share their stories, advancing the dialogue on social change and advocacy.



हामी रोकि‌दैनौ‌ / We are Unstoppable


यो तस्वीर डिसेम्बर महिनाको हो । यसमा यौनकर्मीहरु र LGBTI समुदाय मिलेर कण्डम दिवस मनाइएको हो । रत्नपार्कको स्थानमा आउनेजाने बसका चालक र व्यक्तिहरुलाइ कण्डम लगाउनु किन आवश्यक छ र यसले HIV STIको मात्र रोकथाम गर्ने नभएर परिवार नियोजनको पनि काम गर्छ भन्ने सचेतना जगाइएको थियो । समुदायमा यससम्बन्धी जनचेतना जगाइरहेका कतिपय व्यक्तिहरु कण्डम शब्द भन्न पनि लजाउँछन् । हामी जस्ता अभियन्ताले गर्वका साथ यससँग तस्वीर लिएकोमा गर्व गर्छु । यससम्बन्धी अझै जनचेतना जगाउन बाँकी छ तर हामी रोकि‌दैनौ‌ भन्ने मुस्कान बाँकी छ

This photograph was taken in December of 2023. This was when the sex workers and the members of LGBTI community celebrated Condom Day jointly. We carried out an awareness programme for the drivers of the buses that ply in Ratnapark area, as well as general commuters, on the benefits of using condoms, which not only prevents STIs and HIV, but also works as a means of family planning. Many of the people from the community that are supposedly working to create awareness are shy to even utter the word condom. I feel proud to be able to pose for a photograph with a condom in my hand. However, we still need to spread awareness in this regard and we can say with a smile on our faces that we are unstoppable.

अधिकारको लागि हाम्रो लडाई‌ / Our fight for our Rights

29 December Pacific Hotel मा म अनि मेरो साथीहरु सबैजना मिलेर  sex worker awareness को तालिममा भेट भएको थियो र हामी सबैजनाले आफ्नो आफ्नो feelings share गरेपछि मलाइ चाहि‌ यस्तो feel भयो कि कुनै कुनै ठाउँमा आफ्नो पनि mistake छ र सबै जना मिलेर आफ्नो अधिकारका लागि लड्नुपर्छ । अनि आफ्नो अधिकार लिनुपर्छ ।

I happened to meet with my friends at Pacific Hotel on December 29, 2023, for Sex Workers Awareness Training. Over the course of the training, we had to share our feelings and thoughts. During the session, I realised that we need to collectively fight for our rights while also taking ownership of our mistakes.




Collective organising






पेसाको आधारमा हि‌सा गर्न पाईदैन । / No violence on the basis of work


१७ डिसेम्बर २०२४ को यौनकर्मी समुदायको रयाली हो । जुन भृकुटीमण्डपबाट शुर भएर रत्नपार्कसम्म गरिएको थियो । यौनकर्मीलाइ निरअपराधीकरण गर सरकार भन्ने नारा सहितको रयाली गरिरहँदा राज्यको सभ्य समाजलाइ पनि एउटा चुनौती जहाँ sex work लाइ पेसा मानिदैन र sex worker लाइ मानव नै होइन भनिन्छ । पतृसत्तात्मक समाजको लागि एउटा एैना पनि हो। यौनकर्मीको पनि जमात नेपाली समाजमा छ भन्ने कुरा यस रयालीले बुझाउँछ । अब यिनीहरुको पनि मानवअधिकार सुनिशि्चत गरिनु पर्छ । कार्यक्रमले मात्र हुँदैन जबसम्म सडक ताति‌दैन । धेरै अधिकारहरु सडकमै उत्रिएर प्राप्त गर्न सफल भएका छन् ।

This photograph was taken from the rally of the sex workers held on December 17, 2024. The rally had started from Bhrikutimandap and ended upon reaching Ratnapark. Rallying with a demand to the government to legalise sex work, we are also challenging the dignified society of the State, where sex work isn’t considered a profession, and a sex worker isn’t even considered a human. This is also a mirror to the patriarchal society. This rally is to also show that there is a community of sex workers in Nepali society. Their human rights also need to be ensured now. We need to take to the streets since it won’t be enough only to organise programmes. A lot of rights have been ensured only by taking to the streets.

लक्ष्य एक वाधा अनेक । / Many obstacles to overcome to reach one destination


केही समय अघि सोह्र खुट्टे चोक प्रहरी कार्यालय बाट बाहिर नियाल्दै गरेको दृश्य हो ।बाटो छ तरपनि त्यही बाटोमा सहज हिड्ने वातावरण को सृजना गर्न आबस्यक देखेको सोच म मा आयो, जुन समयमा मैले संस्थागत कामको लागि प्रक्रियागत जाँदा पनि सम्बन्धित निकायमा रहनुभएका व्यक्ति हरुबाट सही सूचना  को जानकारी नभएको ले गर्दा धेरै दुःख भोगेको, पटक पटक धाउनु परेको अवस्था थियो तरपनि मैले बिल्कुलै हार मानिन, प्रक्रियाको पालना गर्दै काम सक्छु भन्ने म मा एक प्रकारको अठोट थियो,आफु आफैंमा भरोसा गर्दै काम प्रति केन्द्रित रहेर मैले कत्ति आफुलाई कमजोर हुन दिइन,अन्त्यमा केही ढिला भएपनि मेरो अठोट को जीत भयो । त्यसैले मेरो काम मा मेरो आफ्नै भूमिका जरुरी छ ।

I captured this scene while waiting at Sorhakhutte Police Station a few days ago. While there, I realised that it is necessary to work on creating a conducive environment to walk in a path that is already there. This thought came as I was trying to complete some work related to my organisation through the official channels and process. However, I had to undergo a lot of hassle due to the lack of correct information from the officials in the concerned agencies, and I had to visit the government offices multiple times. I didn’t back down. I was determined to complete my work through the official channels. I believed in myself and remained strong. At the end, albeit a little late, my determination won. Therefore, I need to believe in myself in my work.

जीवनमा निश्चित भनेको नै मृत्यु हो / Death is the ultimate truth


महाराजगञ्ज नजिकै रहेको शंख पार्क मा बिहान साझ मा मानिसहरू घुम्न आउनेगर्छन । म पनि एकदिन घुम्दै पुगेको थिएँ त्यहा चिया थर्मस मा लिएर बेच्ने गर्नुहुने रहेछ मैले पनि चिया पिउदै बस्दै गर्दा एउटा पिपलको पात झरेको देखें अनि त्यो झर्दै गरेको पिपलको पात मा मैले आफ्नो जन्म, भोगाइ, मृत्यु अनि काम लाई जोडेर हेर्दा समाज परिवार भोग्दै गरेका लान्छना लगाएर अलग्याईएको महसुस गरे, जब मेरो शरीर अनि मस्तिष्क सङ्ग अरूलाई अधिकार दिन्छौं तबसम्म मात्र मेरो अस्तित्व रहने त्यो पनि देखावटी,जहां मेरो योगदान रहन्छ अनि मात्र त्यहा मेरो स्थान हुनेगर्छ त्यसैले झरेपछी पनि त्यसको आफ्नै महत्व छ वस त्यसलाई पहिचान आफूले गर्नुपर्छ । सबै सङ्ग गरेपनि आफु सङ्ग कहिल्यै हार्नु हुँदैन ।

People come for a morning and evening stroll in Shankha park situated nearby Maharajgunj. I also went there one fine day. People sold tea in the park in a thermos. I also got myself a glass of tea and was sipping my tea when I saw a fallen leaf of Pipal. In that pipal leaf, I saw how I was segregated from society and from my family with so much stigmatisation due to my birth and my work. I realised that my existence will have meaning only when my being is reconised. Usually, people tend to recognise someone only when they get something in return from them. Even a fallen leaf has its significance, we simply need to identify it. Therefore, we must believe in ourselves and never give up.